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Stash Box: How to Choose the Right Storage Device
People have used stash boxes for decades. As a kid, you might have used a cigar box for all your worldly treasures: baseball cards, shiny stones, bottle caps, and whatever. But cigar boxes have a way of getting lost or forgotten.
But you always have something to stash, something you value, something unique, and/or something secret. Cigar smokers, for example, often have ornate and expensive handcrafted boxes to protect their pricey cigars. They remain stashed in humidity-controlled boxes until the owner deigns to share the contents with guests.
Less sophisticated needs have been stored in Mason jars, Ziplock bags, hollow books, fake beer cans, and dirty sweat socks. The main interest has been in keeping he stash secret and the odors hid.
Stashing smart and investing in security
With the new stash resources on the market, you can stash your valuables safely and accomplish a few other goals at the same time.
- Safety comes from being able to seal and secure your items. A container like the one available from Herb Guard has two combination locks. You can put individual combinations into each lock to double the security.
- The box itself is a sleek black container no bigger than a lunch box at 8.5-inches by 6.5-inches by 4-inches. Inside, it has roomy dimensions of 7.25-inches by 5-inches by 3-inches. That’s plenty of room to stash your odiferous herbs, coffees, or more.
- The discrete black hard-shell case is durable enough for travel. Carried by its handle, it will pass for a small tool kit. The top fits and seals snugly into a 100 percent airtight, smell proof, durable O-ring in the perimeter of the case. You, then, adjust a pressurizing knob to secure the seal and protect the contents.
- Inside has room enough and more for tools and the UV-protected glass jar that holds a 1/8-ounce further secured. It also includes two resealable and reusable travel bags you can use for different products.
- But the real secret to this stash box is its innards. The box has an inner lining of odor absorbent fiber and a floor made of activated carbon that further hides the smells keeping contents fresh and private.
- It all comes with a 31-day 100 percent cash return guarantee.
The stash box is perfect for travel or the road
The Herb Guard container is made for travel. But it doesn’t have to leave home. Many use the box to store their goods safely out of the children’s reach. It can sit high in a closet, fit into a chest drawer, or hide in a garage. And, for that matter, it will hold and hide most anything you want.
4 products